Beyond the Rainbow: School-Based Mental Health Supports for LGBTQ+ Youth

This session is from the NASP 2018 Annual Convention

  • Grade Level(s): C,D
  • Skill Level: Advanced


LGBTQ youth are often classified as a homogeneous group, but the diversity among and within them is more distinct than many people realize. The need for school-based counseling supports for LGBTQ youth is evident in higher rates of unhappiness, drug use, school dropout, truancy, suicide, harassment, family discord, and reduced self-referral rates. Despite the need and demand, little is available in terms of resources to use in a counseling format. This program is designed to empower school-based mental health staff to serve as advocates for LGBTQ youth, provide counseling support for students in grades 6–12, and encourage and foster resiliency in at-risk students. Participants will leave with the ability to effectively advocate for sexual minority and gender-diverse youth as well as implement an innovative counseling program within their own schools to support these students. This session is sponsored by the Convention Committee.

Letter to Supervisor

Looking for a concise way to pitch the convention to your employer? This letter and the corresponding talking points are here to help!