Preventing Disproportionality: Instruction, Assessment, and Policy Implications for English Learners

This session is from the NASP 2019 Annual Convention

  • PMD: 1,8
  • Skill Level: Intermediate

Learner Objectives

This session will help participants…

  1. understand the importance of effective instructional practices to prevent the disproportionate identification of ELs with educational disabilities.
  2. implement an evidence-based, multi-modal, and multi-informant assessment model that accurately differentiates between language difference and educational disability.
  3. advocate for systems level changes in instructional and assessment policy to better serve ELs.


This mini-skills session offers a model to comprehensively evaluate E learners. Participants will understand the necessity of gathering qualitative information about students and families; conducting oral language assessment to determine language proficiency; interpreting WIDA ACCESS for ELL data to inform instructional and assessment decisions; and selecting the most appropriate cognitive and achievement batteries. From a prevention perspective, presenters will provide implications for practice, including suggestions for influencing systems-level instructional and assessment policies.


Sandy M. Salguero, Loudoun County Public Schools
Charles A. Barrett, PhD, Loudoun County Public Schools
Angelica M. Parent, Loudoun County Public Schools
Leslie V. Cajas-Laynez, Loudoun County Public Schools

Letter to Supervisor

Looking for a concise way to pitch the convention to your employer? This letter and the corresponding talking points are here to help!