PO038: Best Practices in Supporting Students With Myhre Syndrome

  • PMD: 2,7
  • Cost: Included in Registration
  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • Poster Session 10: Psychological Services for Specific Groups of Students

Learner Objectives

This session will help participants…

  1. identify introductory demographics related to Myhre syndrome (i.e., etiology, prevalence);
  2. understand and discuss unique medical characteristics associated with Myhre syndrome (i.e., hearing, cardiovascular, respiratory impacts);
  3. consider best practice approaches to effectively supporting the academic and social–behavioral needs of students with Myhre syndrome; and
  4. differentiate special service needs, including 504 versus IEP decisions and planning for individual students.


Myhre syndrome is a genetic condition associated with unique medical and educational needs for students and families. Learn more about Myhre and best practices for supporting students in school.


Christine R. Peterson, University of Wisconsin-Stout

Letter to Supervisor

Looking for a concise way to pitch the convention to your employer? This letter and the corresponding talking points are here to help!