PA312: Pediatric Medical Traumatic Stress and Schools: Supporting Families in Crisis

Friday, February 16, 2024
10:00 AM–10:50 AM CST

  • PMD: 4,7
  • Cost: Included in Registration
  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • Poster Session 10: Psychological Services for Specific Groups of Students

Learner Objectives

This session will help participants…

  1. identify common risk factors for the development of pediatric medical traumatic stress among children with chronic illness and their families;
  2. describe risk factors for pediatric medical traumatic stress specifically related to CHARGE syndrome; and
  3. list strategies to support families and children with chronic illnesses through family, school, and community collaboration.


Identify factors related to the development of pediatric medical traumatic stress and best practices for working with children, families, and community stakeholders in improving outcomes for children with chronic illnesses.


Paul C. Jones, Temple University
Matthew Ferrigno, Child Mind Institute
Kasee K. Stratton-Gadke, Mississippi State University

Letter to Supervisor

Looking for a concise way to pitch the convention to your employer? This letter and the corresponding talking points are here to help!