PA529: School-Age Youth and Violent Extremism

Friday, February 16, 2024
10:00 AM–10:50 AM CST

  • PMD: 6
  • Cost: Included in Registration
  • Skill Level: Introduction
  • Poster Session 3: Promoting Safe and Positive Schools

Learner Objectives

This session will help participants…

  1. define violent extremism and identify how school-age youth become victims and targets of extremist activity;
  2. explain the specific risks violent extremism poses to youth’s mental health and academic success in school settings;
  3. identify violent extremist recruitment strategies and warning signs that may indicate a child or adolescent is at risk for being radicalized; and
  4. identify school-based resources that can increase knowledge about violent extremism among staff and mitigate the impacts of violent extremism.


Violent extremism has increasingly become a threat to schools and school-age youth. Attendees will learn about violent extremism, its risks to students, and school-based resources that can address it.


Carrie E. Lorig, Georgia State University
Kris Varjas, Georgia State University

Letter to Supervisor

Looking for a concise way to pitch the convention to your employer? This letter and the corresponding talking points are here to help!