Putting Research to Practice in a Large Urban District (WS05MOH) Register Online
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Monday, July 27, 2020
1:00 PM — 4:15 PM

Cincinnati, Ohio

This session will help urban practitioners identify strategies to enhance their daily professional practice in domains such as assessment, consultation, direct student support, and advocacy. This session will illustrate how the daily functions of urban school psychologists fit into a comprehensive role as outlined by the NASP Practice Model and address issues such as student mobility, equity, and the provision of social–emotional supports.


Workshop Objectives:


This session will help participants

  1. identify evidence-based strategies to enhance the academic and behavioral outcomes of students in urban school settings;
  2. design activities for students and staff that specifically address the concepts of race, privilege, and equity;
  3. explain best practices for working with urban students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds; and
  4. recognize opportunities to expand their practice to better support traditionally underserved students and youth.


Prerequisite Knowledge

NASP Practice Model; general knowledge of the issues facing large urban school districts.


Practical Tools

Strategies to support students with high mobility rates, strategies for recruitment and retention of staff, and strategies for partnering with external stakeholders to leverage resources.


Contact us at convention@naspweb.org, 866-331-6277, or 301-367-1673 with questions or requests for more information.