Promoting Family-School-Community Collaboration to Enhance Children's Behavior and Social-Emotional Competencies (WS16WOH) Register Online
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Wednesday, July 29, 2020
8:30 AM — 11:45 AM

Cincinnati, Ohio

Family–school collaboration is essential for student success. Learn about core features of family–school collaboration, and how to align and integrate family–school collaboration in school systems to promote youth mental health. Common obstacles to family–school collaboration will be discussed and straightforward strategies to address obstacles will be described.


Workshop Objectives:


This session will help participants

  1. explain family–school collaboration,
  2. design family–school collaboration interventions to promote youth mental health, and
  3. align and integrate family–school collaboration in school systems.


Prerequisite Knowledge

Working knowledge of school systems.


Practical Tools

Assessments for family–school collaboration, interventions to promote family–school collaboration, and approaches to align and integrate family–school collaboration in school systems.


Contact us at, 866-331-6277, or 301-367-1673 with questions or requests for more information.