Developing as a Social Justice Agent: Foundations (WS03MOH) Register Online
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Monday, July 27, 2020
8:30 AM — 11:45 AM

Cincinnati, Ohio

Social justice was recently identified as one of NASP’s strategic priorities. While at a certain level all school psychologists are in support of social justice—who is for social injustice?—exactly how social justice is defined and applied to school psychology practice is often much more difficult to wrap one’s mind around. Session participants will be exposed to the latest research on social justice and school psychology practice and will participate in activities designed to increase their capacity to bring social justice principles into their work.


Workshop Objectives:


This session will help participants

  1. gain a greater knowledge of the conceptual frameworks underlying social justice,
  2. gain a greater knowledge of research directly related to bringing social justice principles into school psychology practice, and
  3. gain an enhanced understanding of one’s personal and professional strengths as an agent of social justice.


Prerequisite Knowledge

This workshop is designed to be more entry level. It is assumed that participants are aware that NASP has identified social justice as a strategic priority, or are at least are aware on some level of the concept of social justice. Otherwise, no prerequisite knowledge is required; this workshop is designed to be relevant to persons who are anywhere from first year graduate students to advanced practitioners.


Practical Tools

Greater ability to bring social justice principles into their practice. Greater awareness of existing resources—NASP and otherwise—related to developing their skills as agents of social justice.



Contact us at, 866-331-6277, or 301-367-1673 with questions or requests for more information.