Beyond the Rainbow: Best Practices in Meeting the Needs of LGBTQ+ Youth (WS04MOH) Register Online
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Monday, July 27, 2020
1:00 PM — 4:15 PM

Cincinnati, Ohio

LGBTQ+ youth are often classified as a homogeneous group, but the diversity among and within them is more distinct than many people realize. The numbers of LGBTQ+ youth are increasing with the growing acceptance socially and politically. Schools that are welcoming and affirming create opportunities for ALL students to learn. Additionally, the need for school-based mental health supports for LGBTQ+ youth is evident in higher rates of unhappiness, drug use, school dropout, truancy, suicide, harassment, family discord, and reduced self-referral rates. Despite the need and demand, little is available in terms of resources to use in curricula and counseling. During this session, inclusive strategies, which encourage and foster resiliency, will be presented. Relevant resources will be identified and shared to assist school psychologists with the implementation of strategies to ensure a safe and supportive school environment for LGBTQ+ youth, including a counseling program for those with higher socioemotional needs.


Workshop Objectives:


This session will help participants

  1. learn about resources on welcoming and diverse schools including inclusive curricular and social–emotional supports,
  1. identify risk factors facing LGBTQ+ youth and how these impact mental health and school performance,
  2. develop skills and utilize resources to address the mental health needs of LGBTQ+ youth, and
  3. utilize the NASP Practice Model by identifying domains of practice relevant to efforts to support LGBTQ+ youth and their families.


Prerequisite Knowledge



Practical Tools

Participants will leave with the ability to effectively advocate for sexual minority and gender-diverse youth, reach and teach vulnerable learners, and implement an innovative counseling program within their own schools to support these students.


Contact us at, 866-331-6277, or 301-367-1673 with questions or requests for more information.