School Climate: Equity, Policy and Practice (WS20WOH) Register Online
Register by Mail or Fax (PDF)

Wednesday, July 29, 2020
1:00 PM — 4:15 PM

Cincinnati, Ohio

This workshop will focus on the impact of cultural influences on student experiences, as evidenced by school climate measures and outcomes. Participants will learn about resources to examine school climate and be provided resources to use school climate data to guide interventions and supports aimed at increasing equity in schools.


Workshop Objectives:


This session will help participants

  1. increase their understanding about the intersection between culture, school climate, and student outcomes;
  2. learn about school climate measures across student, teacher, and parent levels as well as resources to support school climate improvement; and
  3. learn policy related to school climate assessment and monitoring as outcoming indicators.


Prerequisite Knowledge

Cursory knowledge of school-wide and tiered support for students.


Practical Tools

School climate measures, school climate data feedback protocols, and strategies to address school climate.


Contact us at, 866-331-6277, or 301-367-1673 with questions or requests for more information.