School Psychology Program Information

The information provided was largely obtained from school psychology program directors. The data contained within are provided as a service to the school psychology community as well as those with an expressed interest in the field, including potential program applicants. We cannot and do not guarantee the currency or accuracy of the information. Individuals interested in these data are encouraged to confirm the information by contacting individual graduate programs as needed.

A combined list of NASP-approved programs and NASP-accredited programs is also available.

Michigan State University

Updated: 03/25/2024

620 Farm Lane
437 Erickson Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824

Program Director: Kristin Rispoli


Program Website:

* 100% of graduates are employed at graduation and meet "highly qualified" criteria in the settings for which they are trained.

Programs Offered and Program Approvals
  • Doctoral level, NASP Approved/Accredited (full), APA-Accredited
    Graduation Credit Hours: 115
    Not Accessible to Working Professionals
    Does not offer at least 50% of instruction via distance education
  • Specialist level, NASP Approved/Accredited (conditional), NCATE/CAEP Recognized
    Graduation Credit Hours: 60
    Accessible to Working Professionals
    Offers at least 50% of instruction via distance education
Student Enrollment Data
No data from program has been submitted.
John Carlsoncarlsoj@msu.edu100 %
Sara Witmersbolt@msu.edu100 %
Jana Aupperleeaupperl3@msu.edu100 %
Martin Volkervolkerma@msu.edu75 %
Kristin Rispolirispolik@msu.edu100 %
Courtenay Morsi Barrettmoricou@msu.edu100 %
Dante Dixsondixsond2@msu.edu75 %
Note: Minority faculty are defined as those from ethnic/racial minorities historically underrepresented in United States colleges and universities.
Unfilled faculty positions from the previous academic year?No
Anticipate opening a search for a new faculty member in the upcoming academic year?No
No data from program has been submitted.


Formal Option for Respecialization?


Formal Option for Respecialization?
Internship Settings
No data from program has been submitted.
Multicultural Settings
Program offers a bilingual specialization (i.e. students graduate beign eligible for a bilingual school psychologist certification or designation).No
Student Outcome Data

2021 / 2022

# of students completing program (including internship)32
Mean # of years to complete the program35.5
Median # of years to complete the program35.5
# of students who transferred to a School Psych Doctoral Program0
# of students that left the program prior to graduation00
# of graduates employed by schools30
# employed in settings other than schools02
# employed in a faculty position00
# entering other fields00
# continuing formal education00
# not employed or continuing education00