School Psychology Program Information

The information provided was largely obtained from school psychology program directors. The data contained within are provided as a service to the school psychology community as well as those with an expressed interest in the field, including potential program applicants. We cannot and do not guarantee the currency or accuracy of the information. Individuals interested in these data are encouraged to confirm the information by contacting individual graduate programs as needed.

A combined list of NASP-approved programs and NASP-accredited programs is also available.

Seattle University

Updated: 03/27/2024

Seattle University Attn: Dr. Ashli Tyre
901 12th Ave
P.O. Box 222000
Seattle, WA 98122

Program Director: Ashli Tyre


Program Website:

* The school psychology program at Seattle University seeks to produce leaders for a just and humane world through explicit instruction and training in an ecological-systems orientation of practice guided by a vision for social justice in education.

Programs Offered and Program Approvals
  • Specialist level, NASP Approved/Accredited (full)
    Approved by the State Department of Education
    Graduation Credit Hours: 90
    Accessible to Working Professionals
Student Enrollment Data

2024 / 2025

Total Enrollment (including interns)82
# of First Year Students26
# of Male Students5
# of Minority Students*25
* Note: Minority students are defined as those from ethnic/racial minorities historically underrepresented in United States colleges and universities.
Ashli Tyretyrea@seattleu.edu100 %
Jason Parkinparkinj@seattleu.edu100 %
David Fainsteindfainstein@seattleu.edu100 %
Neria Sebastiennsebastien@seattleu.edu100 %
Meg Iyeriyerm@seattleu.edu66 %
Note: Minority faculty are defined as those from ethnic/racial minorities historically underrepresented in United States colleges and universities.
Unfilled faculty positions from the previous academic year?No
Anticipate opening a search for a new faculty member in the upcoming academic year?Yes
No data from program has been submitted.


Formal Option for Respecialization?
Evaluation through standard Admissions?
Minimum Graduate Credit Hours for Respecialization
Description of Respecialization Process
Normal application process through Graduate Admissions.
Culminating Documentation
Degree awarded; certification eligible
Internship Settings
No data from program has been submitted.
Multicultural Settings
Program offers a bilingual specialization (i.e. students graduate beign eligible for a bilingual school psychologist certification or designation).No
Student Outcome Data

2022 / 2023

Mean # of years to complete the program3
Median # of years to complete the program3