PA024: Language Preferences in a Sample of Autistic Adults

Friday, February 16, 2024
8:00 AM–8:50 AM CST

  • PMD: 8
  • Cost: Included in Registration
  • Skill Level: Introduction

Learner Objectives

This session will help participants…

  1. understand the debate surrounding language use in relation to disability, particularly the use of identity-first language (IFL) and person-first language (PFL), and the implications for individuals with autism;
  2. examine the discrepancies in language preferences between autistic individuals and other stakeholders, including professionals, self-advocates, and family/friends; and
  3. recognize the importance of individualized language use when referring to disability, particularly in therapeutic care, and the need to ask for and respect a person's preferred language in order to promote ethical and successful service provision.


This presentation explores language preferences in autistic adults, highlighting the debate between identity-first language and person-first language, emphasizing the importance of individualized language use in school settings.


Jaime M. Flowers, Stephen F. Austin State University
Jillian Dawes, The Citadel
Daniel F. McCleary, Stephen F. Austin State University

Letter to Supervisor

Looking for a concise way to pitch the convention to your employer? This letter and the corresponding talking points are here to help!