PO105: Academic Major, Gender, and Perceived Helpfulness Predict Help-Seeking Stigma

  • PMD: 4,6
  • Cost: Included in Registration
  • Skill Level: Introduction
  • Poster Session 1: Promoting Diversity and Multicultural Competence in School Psychology

Learner Objectives

This session will help participants…

  1. describe how recognizing protective factors of college students’ well-being fits into the comprehensive role outlined by the NASP Practice Model;
  2. apply their understanding of the influence of culture and individual characteristics when designing and implementing prevention program for international students; and
  3. explain the role of counseling services in reducing stigma and advocate for accessible and effective counseling services on college campuses.


Discover protective factors, including gender, counseling services effectiveness, and academic major, that combat stigma and enhance well-being for Vietnamese college students. Empower international students by implementing culturally sensitive prevention programs.


Tran Tran, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Letter to Supervisor

Looking for a concise way to pitch the convention to your employer? This letter and the corresponding talking points are here to help!