Using a Process Oriented Approach for Identifying and Remediating Dyslexia

This session is from the NASP 2024 Annual Convention

  • PMD: 3,5
  • Skill Level: Advanced

Learner Objectives

This session will help participants…

  1. distinguish between students who are low achieving in reading because of disruptions in learning caused by the recent pandemic from students who present with a specific learning disability;
  2. learn appropriate screening tools and assessment batteries that are more culturally fair and appropriate for children with reading disorders and dyslexia;
  3. identify specific cognitive and academic processes that underscore multiple types of reading disorders and dyslexia, in order to develop more effective interventions for struggling readers; and
  4. learn how to identify reading disorders and dyslexia in children using a processing strengths and weaknesses (PSW) model consistent with updated NASP professional guidelines.


This workshop will assist school psychologists in using a pattern of strengths and weaknesses model for SLD eligibility determination in order to identify reading disorders and dyslexia in children.


Steven G. Feifer, Monocacy Neurodevelopmental Center
Jack A. Naglieri, University of Virginia
Tulio M. Otero, PhD, Tulio M. Otero, Ph.D., LLC

Letter to Supervisor

Looking for a concise way to pitch the convention to your employer? This letter and the corresponding talking points are here to help!