PO562: Personal Finance Interventions for Individuals With Autism: A Meta-Analysis

  • PMD: 1,4
  • Cost: Included in Registration
  • Skill Level: Introduction
  • Poster Session 10: Psychological Services for Students With Autism

Learner Objectives

This session will help participants…

  1. understand the critical role that personal finance skills play in the successful transition of individuals with autism from secondary education to early adulthood (so they will be better equipped to prioritize and support the development of personal finance skills in their practice or educational setting);
  2. identify targeted domains of personal finance skills crucial for fostering independence and successful transition in individuals with autism (so they can focus on strengthening specific areas that contribute to greater self-sufficiency for students during this critical period of change); and
  3. explore the various settings, such as controlled environments like classrooms, and natural, less-controlled environments like grocery stores and restaurants, in teaching personal finance skills to individuals with autism (so they can choose the most suitable and effective environments for maximizing learning outcomes and promoting successful transitions into early adulthood for each individual).


Enhancing personal finance skills in individuals with autism: A meta-analysis of interventions and recommendations for effective instructional programs.


Sungwoo Kang, MA, Purdue university


Benjamin A. Mason, John L. Davis

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