PO537: The Use of PAI-A Validity Scales to Detect ADHD Feigning

  • PMD: 9
  • Cost: Included in Registration
  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • Poster Session 4: Recent Developments in Assessment and Research

Learner Objectives

This session will help participants…

  1. realize the limited utility of ADHD rating scales when used in isolation, especially for adolescents with comorbid symptoms (e.g., anxiety, depression);
  2. determine if the use of PAI-A validity scale cutoffs in the current study would be helpful in capturing suspected ADHD feigning in adolescents; and
  3. gain insight into the predominant strategies adolescents use to successfully feign ADHD and escape detection.


Adolescents are able to feign ADHD on commonly used rating scales. Results from the current study show limited ability for validity scales on the PAI-A to effectively capture ADHD feigning.


April M. Reed, Ball State University
Eric E. Pierson, Ball State University
Maria Hernandez Finch, Ball State University

Letter to Supervisor

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