School Psychology Review (SPR)

PlaceholderSchool Psychology Review (SPR) is a refereed journal published six times per year by NASP. Its primary purpose is to provide a means for communicating scholarly advances in research, training, and practice related to psychology and education, and specifically to school psychology.

Members: Log in for full access

NASP is pleased to announce a new partnership with the Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group (RT&F) for the publishing of School Psychology Review (SPR). A leading publisher of high quality online academic journals, RT&F is positioned to build on and expand the long-term success of SPR as school psychology’s premier peer-reviewed journal. Read More

Full access to School Psychology Review (SPR) is restricted to NASP Members only. Non-members may view and purchase archived content. Please consider joining NASP or renewing your membership for full access.

Additional Journals Included With Membership

In addition to SPR, NASP Members also now have complimentary access to the following journals:

appJournal of Applied School Psychology

appJournal of Educational and Psychological Consultation

SPR Special Topic
Call for Submissions

imgSchool Psychology Review (SPR) invites all scholars to submit manuscripts for upcoming Special Topic Sections. These Special Topic sections address critical issues in the field and are designed to advance both practice and research.