Trainer and Participant Variables Impacting PREPaRE Knowledge and Attitude Scores


  • Timothy Parks, Trainer and Participant Variables Impacting PREPaRE Knowledge and Attitude Scores, SUNY-Buffalo
  • Amanda Nickerson, SUNY-Buffalo


PREPaRE School Crisis Prevention and Intervention Training Curriculum Workshop 1 and 2 participants demonstrated significant knowledge and attitude gains from pre-test to post-test. Additionally, Workshop 1 participants with greater experience (i.e., >11 hours vs. 0 hours of prior crisis training) demonstrated smaller knowledge gains while participants in both workshops with more experience demonstrated smaller attitude changes towards crisis prevention. There were no significant differences in participant outcomes for a master trainer versus a Training of Trainers (TOT) trainer. In summary, the TOT model is effective and the PREPaRE training may be most beneficial for new professionals.

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