Understanding Teaching Experiences During COVID-19: It Matters How You Ask


  • Carrie McMahon, Graduate Student, University of Maryland, College Park
  • Ilcia Hernandez, Graduate Student, University of Maryland, College Park
  • Hedwig Teglasi, University of Maryland, College Park
  • Kelsey McCurdy


Given the impact of teacher well-being on student achievement, it is imperative that educational support staff understand the exhaustive effect of COVID-19 on the livelihood of educators. In April 2020, teachers (N = 81) completed two direct questions and an expressive writing prompt about their most salient concerns during COVID-19 . Multiple comparisons between responses demonstrated a significant difference in response motif based on question structure. Direct questions elicited greater personal concerns, while expressive writing elicited greater instruction-related concerns. Further investigation of response content could offer additional insight into how survey methodology influences what information we acquire about such a complex event.

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