Supporting Students with Eating Disorders: School Psychologists' Practices and Preferences


  • Isabella Leiwant Foarde, Northeastern University
  • Amy Briesch, Professor, Northeastern University


Youth with disordered eating often have complex needs and may require additional support to be successful at school. However, school psychologists are seldom involved in this work. One potential explanation for this may be their attitudes regarding their role in supporting this population. Although prior research has established that the majority of school psychologists believe they should work with students with or at-risk of eating disorders, there is very little existing information on what school psychologists perceive to be their specific roles and responsibilities in working with these students. Within the present study, 100 school psychologists were surveyed regarding their role preferences and current practices related to working with students with disordered eating. Results revealed that school psychologists’ specific role preferences are not aligned with their actual responsibilities in practice. Finally, study findings underscore a lack of overall support for students with or at-risk for disordered eating in public schools.

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