Targeted Word Reading Fluency Support for 2nd & 3rd Grade Students


  • Emma Grubbs, Targeted Word Reading Fluency Support for 2nd & 3rd Grade Students
  • Kirsten Falck
  • Mackenzie Oedy
  • Olivia Nicholson
  • Sarah Harry, Ball State University


This study aimed to look at improvements on WRF for students below their same-grade peers based on an intervention match. Four practicum students identified second- and third-grade students with skill deficits in WRF following benchmarking procedures using the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS). Although the students had the same foundational skill deficit, they responded differently when administered the same interventions. A BEA was conducted to determine the most effective intervention for each student. This process assessed the effectiveness of three different WRF interventions from the Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR). The purpose and importance of this study was to better determine effective WRF interventions for students in a critical literacy developmental period. Specifically, these data can assist other practitioners to make data-based decisions for students in need of WRF interventions and helping to expose what interventions may be more helpful than others.

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