Stay, Play, Talk: Sibling-Mediated Intervention for ASD and Play


  • Lauren Perlmutter, Doctoral Candidate, University of Washington


In the present study, the researcher investigated the effectiveness of Stay, Play, Talk, a sibling-mediated intervention, in supporting the level of joint attention of young children with autism or developmental delay at the community-level setting. A non-concurrent multiple-baseline design across three sibling dyads was used to examine the effectiveness of the intervention. The researcher taught the neurotypical siblings how to stay, play, and talk with their sibling with autism or developmental delay. Changes in level occurred across baseline and intervention sessions for all dyads supporting a functional relationship. At the community-level setting, the level of joint attention increased for all dyads compared to during baseline. Parents reported high satisfaction with the intervention. Implications of these findings for future research and practical applications are discussed.

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